Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Pieces of my Heart

Here's a piece of my heart. The left overs of a played with and accidently broken by a little one, a wedding present from my husband, a music box in the form of a bride. I kept the pieces being the saver and recycler that I am, but saving it more because of the sentimental reason.

She wants to be a piece of multi-media jewelry. What would you do with this piece of my heart?


angelinabeadalina said...

Oh, I can totally see you replaced her skirt with a wire and bead confection of some sort! Still have the base stashed away, too? I'd put her back on it and display her. She's kind of a good metaphor for marriage, ya know. Everyday isn't as pretty, pristine, and perfect as that first wedding day. . .but you wouldn't give up the wear and tear and love that's grown over the years! Look forward to seeing what you make with her-- she is lovely.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking along the lines of angelinabeadalina... a beaded dress with some sort of pretty shoulder wrap. Something that would hide the broken arm but still use it. I love her veil and her beautiful face. What a touching story. I can see why she holds your heart. Look forward to seeing what you create.